PortaFab serves the greater Louisville area with certified modular office building contractors, prefab industrial wall partition installers and modular clean room suppliers.
Modular Office & In-Plant Building Dealers in Louisville, KY
PortaFab’s modular in-plant office buildings and prefabricated wall panels are supported by a nationwide network of companies, including local dealers in Louisville that specialize in the sales, installation and servicing of our modular office building systems.
Our modular systems carry a variety of uses, from industrial inplant offices and buildings, to demising walls and prefabricated office wall partitions. View our application page to review more sample applications of our modular systems, or visit or Modular Offices page for additional information on our 5-Day Quick Ship and Custom Building options.
Cleanroom Manufacturers & Contractors in Louisville, KY
We have several contractors and dealers located in Louisville that can assist you with everything from initial sales of a modular unit, on through the installation process at your facility. Our Louisville suppliers are capable of specifying and installing everything from industrial buildings with environmental control to high-tech critical environments for the pharmaceutical or microelectronics industries.
Below are some sample applications of our modular cleanroom systems. You can view more photos in our cleanroom applications gallery.
Industrial Wall Partition & Modular Wall Panel Contractors in Louisville, KY
While many PortaFab wall systems are used to design and construct modular buildings, our industrial wall partitions can be used to separate plant space, provide environmental control, or create designated work areas inside your Louisville-based facility. Distinct product lines exist to meet a wide variety of applications.
Recent Projects Near Louisville

North American Stainless - Warsaw, KY
North American Stainless was looking for a sturdy, cost effective but high end looking control pulpit for their new Z-Mill line. This enclosure would serve to house all of the controls that automated the entire steel mill process. Due to the excessive temperature and noise within the steel mill environment, our distributor installed a climate controlled and noise resistant pulpit to oversee the mill processes.

Siemens - Marion, KY
Siemens, a manufacturer of intricate electrical components, relays and circuit-boards for automotive and other industries, required strategic reorganization of it's manufacturing plant for more efficient and cleaner manufacturing processes. Our distributor utilized the PortaMax 458 steel wall system to protect sensitive processes and equipment as well as increase space utilization.
Find a Local Dealer Form
Contact your local modular installer by calling 1-800-325-3781 or online through our find a local dealer form.