Environmentally Controlled Storage Rooms
Protecting valuable parts, components, and finished goods within a manufacturing facility can be very challenging. PortaFab modular building systems allow one to create environmentally controlled rooms outfitted with a variety of options to enhance safety, functionality and control.
Areas often feature high speed roll up doors that minimize the amount of exposure the storage area has to external elements.

Case Studies

Case in Point #1
Tony Brannon, a manager at BMW Manufacturing's facility in Spartanburg, South Carolina, had an enormous inventory control responsibility on his hands. Keeping up with the plant's demands for spare parts was no small task as his group could not cause downtime given that operations were being pushed due to excessive demand. The benefits provided:
- Flexibility to move in future
- Secure, enclosed area with sound control
- Minimal disruption to plant during construction

Case in Point #2
McCormick Foods was undergoing an expansion and needed additional office space for their process engineers and managers along with a meeting room for temporary personnel. To maximize floor space, they considered building a two-story office complex to house the engineers and managers on one level and provide the meeting room on the other. The benefits provided:
- Tied into existing modular offices
- Attractive appearance
- Maximized floor space