A military training facility required the construction of a multi-level complex for use as an urban assault training area. The complex would require a 3-level structure complete with a variety of compartments and enclosures to re-enact real-world scenarios for trainees, including a mock elevator shaft, utility tower and a climbing wall. The structure would need to provide our client with an area for trainers and managers to view the entire training session when in progress. The entire complex and its components also needed to be housed and fit within the existing training facility.
Our distributors worked with PortaFab in coordinating multiple product lines and integrating non-standard equipment during the installation of a military training structure. Due to precise engineering and collaborating with other products, larger challenges that could have been present with this project were minimized.
Project Overview
Application: Military Training Complex
Product: OmniFlex Steel Fire and Sound
Benefits Provided:
- Support from Distributors to Coordinate Multiple product Lines
- Variety of indoor enclosures for multiple training scenarios
- Deployable and Flexibility to modify training area for enhanced training value
- Integration of non-standard equipment within structure
The Challenge
The greatest challenge to our distributor included the integration of multiple structures within the spatial confines of the existing training facility. The project required our distributor to integrate the project around a mezzanine upon which the multiple rooms would be housed. The project also called for the integration of large, non-standard windows within the 3-level structure, and our engineers were able to incorporate these and a range of other custom options within the facility. The enhanced care and precise engineering from both companies on this project minimized the possibilities for problems and further challenges that could complicate such a large-scale collaboration of work.
The Solution
Our Dealer proposed modular construction for this complex based on the versatility and flexibility of pre-engineered components. By using modular components, military personnel have the advantage of changing and re-arranging the internal walls and rooms within the structure, allowing them to offer an ever-changing training ground. The completed environment provided our client with a comprehensive facility for enhanced training scenarios and mock situations that can be modified and changed when needed.