An international flexible packaging company that creates containers for manufacturers ranging from pet food to candy. Based on the various products that these containers are used for, there are strict standards in place in accordance with health food regulations.
Project Overview
Application: Enclosed Loading Dock
Product: OmniFlex Insulated Panels
Benefits Provided:
- Cleaner alternative to modern construction
- Insulated walls for optimal thermal control
- Flexibility of reconfiguration in the future
The Challenge
The company purchased a state of the art machine to more efficiently produce its containers, which arrived much sooner than expected. Since the new equipment required a temperature-controlled space, they decided to look into enclosing the dock area.
The Solution
Since traditional construction methods result in a release of dust and particles into the surrounding environment, our client decided to pursue modular walls. PortaFab provided a floor to ceiling wall structure using the OmniFlex system insulated wall panels, dividing up space within the dock area to house the new equipment. These panels would also allow for future reconfiguration, once they were no longer needed.
High-speed rollup doors were also incorporated into the structure, further limiting the chance of pest or dust infiltration, as well as energy loss from the temperature-controlled area. The project also included the addition of a ground to dock ramp to improve efficiency for fork lift drivers when moving materials between both facilities.