What factors should you consider when evaluating cleanroom windows?

Answered By: Tim Loughran

Windows are an important component of cleanrooms. One of the most important things in a cleanroom environment is to allow personnel to see inside the cleanroom, without making unnecessary trips inside, since you want to limit the amount of people entering the environment.

cleanroom windows video thumbnail

Once you decide where to locate the cleanroom windows, determining what type of window you need is relatively easy. You want to minimize ledges in a cleanroom, and therefore you want to eliminate ledges on a window. Depending upon where the wall is and what side of the wall has a clean environment, you can choose from a variety of options: You can select a flush window on both sides to maintain a clean environment on both sides of the wall, a flush window on one side if only one side of the wall is required to be a clean environment, or in instances where you want to control costs you can select a single painted glass with a 45-degree bevel on both sides so that you don’t have to have a flat area where dust can accumulate.

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